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All web site content ©1995-2024 Brian Reichow.

Original photography may not be reproduced without my prior consent.


DATE: September 20, 2001

VENUE: Highland Theater
Akron, OH


These photos were shot HANDHELD (!) on a Canon PowerShot G1 digital camera, generally with the shutter speed locked at 1/30 sec. The lighting conditions at a concert are bad enough, and sound check is even worse since the lighting rig is usually not set up. However, you often get some of the most candid, "natural" shots in these situations since the band isn't putting on its "concert" face. Since one doesn't want to annoy the band with endless flash photography, these were shot entirely without flash.

Depending on how the photos turned out, there are multiple sizes (from 640x480 up to 1024x768) of each image.

Feel free to use the photos below for any noncommercial use (i.e. anything that doesn't make you money), but please be courteous and include a photo credit (Copyright 2001 Brian Reichow, and link to this site ( If you don't, I will hunt you down and kill you like the dog you are.

Take special note of photos marked with an . These are (IMHO) the best photos of the bunch.

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All web site content ©1995-2025 Brian Reichow.
Original photography may not be reproduced without my prior consent.