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All web site content ©1995-2024 Brian Reichow.

Original photography may not be reproduced without my prior consent.

State Fair Fireworks

Date: August 28, 2001


These photos were shot handheld on a Canon PowerShot G1 digital camera due to lack of a tripod. The shots were taken at full aperture (f2.0- f2.5 depending on focal length) and the shutter speed at 1/30th second.

Feel free to use the photos below for any noncommercial use (i.e. anything that doesn't make you money), but please be courteous and include a photo credit (Copyright 2001 Brian Reichow, and link to this site ( If you don't, I will hunt you down and kill you like the dog you are.


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All web site content ©1995-2024 Brian Reichow.
Original photography may not be reproduced without my prior consent.