At this point, the Williams Grove maintenance man arrives and, at the ride op's request, adjusts the overhead lights to aim
back toward the brake run. Note he does not use a ladder; he merely stands on the buzz bars while they're locked in the
upright position. I love this park!
Shooting photos of Cyclone was a problem, since not only had I arrived at the park quite late but it was also overcast.
The following photos were taken at 1/50-1/60 of a second. Unhappy with how dark they turned out, in post-processing I jacked
up the levels of many of the photos, working from the original Canon RAW CCD data, and managed to produce something usable.
The graininess and posterization is a by-product of the post-processing. Originals are on the left; tweaked versions are on
the right.

Cyclone On-Ride
If shooting structural photos of Cyclone was difficult, you can only imagine how hard it was to get decent on-ride photos.
Knowing full well how dark they would be, I shot the following photos at 1/320-1/500 of a second. In post-processing I jacked
up the levels and again managed to produce something usable.
The graininess and posterization is a by-product of the post-processing. Originals are on the left; tweaked versions are on
the right.

Dante's Inferno